“Right to the Future”
Participating at the exhibition on the Russian Revolution Centenary
in Saint Petersburg at MISP – Museum of the 20th and 21st Century Art
25 October – 3 December 2017
The State Museum of Contemporary Art and the Greek Consulate of St. Petersburg are pleased to announce the official participation of ten Greek artists at the international group exhibition organized by the Museum of Art of the 20th and the 21st Centuries in St. Petersburg (Музей искусства Санкт-Петербурга XX-XXI веков)
on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the October 1917 Revolution.
The exhibition, entitled Right to the Future, develops around the theme of “Revolution”, not just the specific Russian revolution, but the concept of revolution in general, seen as a complex socio-cultural event, which is not limited to the revolt or the military conflict. Over 60 contemporary European artists, masters, famous names and emerging talents express their own views on the idea of revolution, the innovative processes, the world order of things, and prospects for the future.
The Right to the Future project was born from an idea of MISP – Museum of the 20th and 21st Century Art in St. Petersburg (www.mispxx-xxi.ru/eng/) and it has been implemented with the collaboration of: National Center for Contemporary Art (Moscow), Garuzzo Institute for Visual Arts – IGAV (Italy), State Museum of Contemporary Art (Thessaloniki), New Museum of Aslan Chekhoev (St. Petersburg) and the Galleries Anna Nova ArtGallery, Marina Gisich (St. Petersburg) Pechersky Gallery Gallery (Moscow).
The exhibition opens on October 25th, 2017 (18:00 pm) in the newly renovated venues of the MISP Museum, on 103 Griboedova str. and is accompanied by a catalogue of all the artists participating in the project.
The Greek/Cypriot artistic delegation has the institutional support of the SMCA – State Museum of Contemporary Art and is composed of 10 artists:
Manolis Baboussis, Elli Chrisidou, Venia Dimitrakopoulou, Stelios Faitakis, Antigoni Kavvatha, Theodor Lalos, Alexandros Maganiotis, Dimitris Merantzas, Natassa Poulantza and Klitsa Antoniou (Cyprus).
Afrodite Oikonomidou and John Bolis have collaborated for the individuation of the artistic projects and have curated the participation in St. Peterburg’s exhibition.
Title: “Revolution can not be stopped”
Dimensions: 195×120 cm
Acrylics on Mylar Film